We all know how important looks are, right? Although we utter clichés such as "external appearance is not important for me, inner beauty that matters", we refute our own thoughts with our attitude. Because it is not possible for us to understand the inner beauty of a person we do not know at first meeting!
We all know how important looks are, right? Although we utter clichés such as "external appearance is not important for me, inner beauty that matters", we refute our own thoughts with our attitude. Because it is not possible for us to understand the inner beauty of a person we do not know at first meeting!

Ways to Be Stylish

We all know how important looks are, right? Although we utter clichés such as “external appearance is not important for me, inner beauty that matters”, we refute our own thoughts with our attitude. Because it is not possible for us to understand the inner beauty of a person we do not know at first meeting!

   Or that we can shine in business life with a mediocre appearance! Or that we can start the relationship we want! We can create a positive effect on people and be mentioned with adjectives such as “how attractive, respectable, sympathetic”! In short; No matter how beautiful our interior is, we first need to pay attention to the external appearance factor in order to show it. At this point, we encounter; The concepts of “style, having style” emerge in our language.

   Some people try to achieve this with a marginal style of clothing, while others try to create a style by putting everything on fashion. And while trying to be stylish, looks that can be called funny are gained. Here is for you; We will talk about the answers to questions such as what it really means to be stylish, can a striking style be created with just a dress, or are there other issues that need attention. And believe me, the changes you will make after this article will be immediately noticed by your environment, and you will even hear comments like “here is a stylish man, woman”.

Ways to Be a Stylish Man

   First of all, let’s say that we will examine what needs to be done to be stylish for men and women separately. Because there are different points that both sexes should pay attention to. But of course there are some tricks that most people forget that they are valid for both groups. Moreover, we can say that those forgotten details are the basis of having a style. But since you will learn everything about the subject right now, you will not have any trouble in having style.

   Yes, dear men! First, we will tell you the ways to be stylish. Although we know that many men put stones on women when it comes to style, it is obvious that many of them also fail in this matter. That is why dear gentlemen; I say you should write the following suggestions in a corner of your mind. Sure, if you want to be a true stylish man.

  • Cleanliness Above All

Or were you just expecting me to say “combine this piece with this, here’s style” or something? Sorry but that is not possible! However, when you apply all of the suggestions on this list, you will fit the definition of the stylish man you want. For this, you should start by taking care of your cleaning.

E.g; You can give up laziness and try to take a shower every day. It will take only a few minutes to take a shower, as most of you don’t have long hair that doesn’t require combing or drying. Of course, besides taking a shower, you should also be careful with your teeth cleaning. Because no matter how classy you dress, neglected and yellowed teeth will destroy all your charm. In short, hygiene; We can say that it is the primary and basic rule of being style.

  • Pay Attention to Your Perfume

What about your scent? What kind of perfume do you use? Is it the kind that will attract women, or are they like pilgrims? But wait a minute! First, I should have said, do you use roll-on? After all; We know that most men do not use roll-on or deodorant, or rather, we can clearly experience this. That’s why; To avoid the unpleasant smell of sweat, you should get into the habit of using roll-on. After that, you should make sure that you choose your perfume correctly. Click here if you want to learn how to choose the right perfume

  • Take Care of Your Hair-Beard Shaving and Poor-Looking Hair

To be a stylish man, you should also be careful with your shave. E.g; You should know that your stubble beard that you grow out of being attractive can make you look like a homeless or devout. In addition, you should shave the neck frequently, remember the details of nose and ear hair, and take care of the hair on your cheek, if any.

  • Know Yourself and Create Your Style

It is the key to know yourself and create style! E.g; It wouldn’t be nice if you were a straight person throughout your life and suddenly turned to colorful clothes, shabby or skinny-short-legged trousers or something, just to be a stylish man.

So you should choose clothes that do not contradict your posture. For example; If the clothes that are generally preferred by young people, marginals are not for you, then you should prefer heavier style clothes. Or, on the contrary, if suits, jackets, in short, clothes that will make you look serious do not reflect you, you should stay away from them.

  • Pay Attention To Be Compatible

Do not try to wear a cloth trousers and a sports jacket. Or, do not wear tracksuits, ripped jeans or their derivatives while wearing a stamp, classic coat. Now some of you might say “no more, not that much”, but the truth is that most men make similar mistakes. For this, learn to adapt to your clothes. Remember that even the color of your socks affects your style. At this point, you would like to remind you that gray, navy blue, dark green, brown and neutral colors are the colors that men should prefer frequently.

  • Pay Attention to Your Accessories

One of the most important issues you need to pay attention to in order to be a stylish man is accessories. Because they are the things that show men the best. E.g; You must have at least one good quality watch! In addition, you should not be cheap in your shoes, and you should know that quality shoes are one of the basic elements to be stylish.

Likewise, you should pay attention to the belts that are your complementary belts, instead of buying 10 cheap belts, you should buy 3 quality belts. Remember that accessories such as wallets, ties, hats, cufflinks, scarves, shawls, glasses, bags are important.

Ways to Be a Stylish Woman

   After talking so much about men, it’s time for women! Yes, there are many different points that need to be considered in order to be a stylish woman. And the job of women, who have far more options than men; I can say easier than some and more difficult than others

  • Smile

Remember that smiling makes you much more attractive than you are. If you want to make a difference with your style as well as be noticed by the light you scatter around you, then you should know to be positive. After all, this is a suggestion that you should follow not only to make a good impression on others, but also for your own well-being. For this reason, do not forget to wear your smile when going out, as well as your bag, shawl and belt.

  • Consider Your Hair As One of Your Strongest Weapons

It doesn’t matter if it’s short or long! Just realize that your hair is one of your most powerful weapons. E.g; Periodically make a mask on your hair or make it yourself at home. Because no matter how healthy it is, factors such as dye, blow-dry, air-water pollution damage the hair. That’s why; Learn what you need to have full, cool and healthy hair, and do whatever is necessary.

  • Make a Difference with Masculine Clothing Style

You can make your style talk with masculine clothing. If you see yourself closer to a masculine style than feminine, I would say you should definitely use this. You can have a masculine style with short or gathered hair, button-up shirts, boyfriend or loose-fitting trousers, blazer jackets and the like.

  • Follow The Fashion But Get Yourself What Suit

Sure, it’s okay to follow the fashion. However, you should not wear anything that does not suit you just because you will be dressed fashionable. For example; Flared trousers came into fashion. If you have short and thick legs, it will not be nice to wear Spanish cuffs. Likewise, it is also wrong for long legs to wear high waist skirts and trousers. To be the style you understand does not mean to prefer trendy products and to use them even though they do not suit them.

  • Use the Minimalist Clothing Style by Benefiting from the Majority

If you do not like such remarkable clothes, purple and purple, you should try to have a style with a minimalist style. You can create the style that reflects you with one-piece clothes, plain accessories, natural make-up and neutral colors. Moreover, as you use the abundance of scarcity, you will see how good this style makes you feel and relax. Who knows, then you start using the concept of minimalist not only in your clothes but also in your lifestyle.

One Stranger

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