War is a struggle that can have devastating consequences when countries or communities in which a country is located in order to impose their desires on each other by applying force. Wars between armed forces are called armed warfare, wars in which political secret forces, psychological and economic power are exercised, and peacetime wars are called cold wars, and wars fought within countries themselves are called civil war.
War is a struggle that can have devastating consequences when countries or communities in which a country is located in order to impose their desires on each other by applying force. Wars between armed forces are called armed warfare, wars in which political secret forces, psychological and economic power are exercised, and peacetime wars are called cold wars, and wars fought within countries themselves are called civil war.

Wars and Its Devastating Results

War is a struggle that can have devastating consequences when countries or communities in which a country is located in order to impose their desires on each other by applying force. Wars between armed forces are called armed warfare, wars in which political secret forces, psychological and economic power are exercised, and peacetime wars are called cold wars, and wars fought within countries themselves are called civil war.

   Government wars are wars with the armed forces under the command of the government. In the aforementioned wars, countries remain behind the front and remain outside the influence of the war. It only takes place between the armed units. Tribal wars are the first wars in history that were fought with the participation of all people, men and women, from tribes and tribes.

   Nation wars are wars fought together in which all material and spiritual resources of nations participate. State wars are wars in which armed forces and national forces participate together.

   Traditional war: The thought of reducing the capacity of the enemy with the thought of open war. It is made by announcing between countries. Biological, nuclear and chemical weapons are not used. It is also called front war. It is a type of war that takes shape with the use of weapons on the fronts. The Turkish war of independence is among the examples that can be given to this.

   Unconventional war aims to achieve victory by means other than weapons. Submission is conflict through secret support, capitulations, and allegiance. The Soviet-American conflict is an example.

   Nuclear War is wars fought with nuclear vehicles. Traditional warfare is merely auxiliary. Nuclear power is what determines the fate of war. There has been no nuclear war so far, but the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the pacific war is an example of the consequences of nuclear war.

   Civil War is the type of war in which fighting troops live in the same country or political environment. It occurs in the renewal movements that can often be called revolution or with the effects of the imperialist unions on the policies of the nation. The civil war in America is given as an example.

   Asymmetric war is a war fought by troops with different military possibilities. Asymmetric wars often result in guerrilla warfare techniques. This happens in the form of a group with insufficient capacity to avoid direct collisions and seek the gaps of the larger group. Thus, the war will continue without being caught by making small but effective strokes. The war between Palestine and Israel can be given as an example.

   The main cause of all wars, new or old, is considered to be the forced adoption of the wishes of one social community on another social community. These demands have always changed throughout history. The most important reasons for war are religion, obtaining wealth, gaining land and ensuring security. The only reason for today’s wars is economic. Methods of warfare have changed with the progress of science, and today, with the development of guided bullets, atomic weapons and missiles, they have become a state that can completely destroy human history. Each war is important in its own right and has had certain consequences. But there are some wars that if those wars had ended differently, we would be reading a completely different history now. Here are those wars and their effects that changed the course of history …

Wars That Changed the Course of History and Their Effects

1- Battle of Marathon (BC 490)

   The first war between Athenians and Persians in 490 BC is called the Battle of Marathon. Since the war took place in the Marathon Plain between the Greeks and the Achaemenid Army under the command of General Datis, it went down in history as the Battle of Marathon. Although the military equipment and the number of soldiers of the Persians were more than the Athenians in this war, the victorious party was the Athenians.

II. After the victory in the Battle of Marathon, the Greek city-states were not attacked for a long time and a deep calm prevailed in the Greek region. Thanks to the scientific, artistic and cultural developments, Ancient Greek culture was born and developed. Had the Greeks defeated the Persians in the battle of the marathon, Greek culture, art, and science would not have been developed and survived. For this reason, the victories of the Greeks in the Battle of Marathon are considered among the most important events in history.

2- Battle of Badr (624)

   It is the first war that Muslims waged and won with the Quraysh from Mecca. This victory played an important role in the spread of Islam.

• The spiritual impact of this war on Muslims is quite high. With this victory, the influence of Prophet Muhammad increased considerably. There has been an increase in the number of people who want to be Muslim.

• Among the pagans of Medina, with this victory, they started to accept Islam.

• At the end of the Battle of Badr, Prophet Muhammad’s decisions on captives and the booty obtained laid the foundations of Islamic law of war.

• The reputation of the Meccans who were defeated in the Battle of Badr in Arabia was shaken.

• The administration of the Badr wells and Damascus trade routes passed into the hands of Muslims.

3.AN Lushan Uprising (755 – 769)

In the An Lushan rebellion that lasted from 755 to 769 and took place in China, 40 million people lost their lives. This number was 1/6 of the world population at that time.

4- Crusades (1096-1270)

The Crusades are campaigns organized by Christian Europeans against Muslims, with the encouragement of the Papacy. Pope Urban Second, with his speech at the Clermont Council in 1095, initiated the Crusades based on political, social and economic reasons, the most important of which was religious. The attacks turned into action in 1096 with the first crusade. The Crusades, whose main purpose was to regain the lands in the hands of Muslims and to seize the advanced technology of the east, continued for centuries, causing the loss of millions of lives, the collapse of the states and the destruction of the countries.

5- Conquest of Istanbul (1453)

After İstanbul is conquered;

The 1000-year-old Byzantine state came to an end.

• The conquest of Istanbul was accepted as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the New Age.

• It was understood that the castles and walls would be destroyed by cannon balls. These developments have caused the feudal regime to lose its power and the absolute kingdoms to strengthen in Europe.

• Byzantine scholars who went to Italy after the conquest were instrumental in the initiation of the Renaissance movement.

• The passing of trade routes to the Ottoman State led Europeans to new searches and caused Geographical Discoveries.

• European countries have started to establish the first permanent embassies in Istanbul.

• Orthodox people were taken under protection and the religious unity of Europe was prevented.

6-Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815)

“Waterloo is not a war, it is a change of the face of the world” Victor Hugo

The War of Waterloo is a war that determines the fate of the world, as Vicor Hugo stated. In the last war of Napoleon, the Battle of Waterloo, the French army under Napoleon’s command fought against the British-Prussian alliance. This war surpassed Napoleon’s re-enthronement after escaping from the exiled island of Elba, and resulted in Napoleon’s defeat. Napoleon, one of the strongest leaders in world history, was sent into exile again and remained in exile until his death. Historians are very sure about one thing, if Napoleon had won Waterloo’s victory, world history would have been completely different now.

7- American Civil War (1861 – 1865)

It is a war that has gone down in history with the consequences of the American Civil War.

Results of the War:

• At the end of the war, all slaves in the south were given freedom.

• Shortly after, slaves gained the right to vote.

• The agricultural economy based on slavery in the south of the USA came to an end.

• The United States, overcoming the danger of partition, was once again united as one country.

8-World War I (1914 – 1918)

It is a war that has been engraved in history in terms of the results of the First World War.

• It has made the USA the world’s superpower. As a result of the heavy agreements signed by the European countries, the USA had the opportunity to interfere with the economy of Europe.

• Severe conditions such as the gold index in the treaties have been a factor in creating the world economic crisis and the world economic crisis. It prepared the environment for the world war to break out.

• Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Hungary were established.

• Balances between states in Europe and Asia have deteriorated, the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian empire and Russia have become history.

Colonialism by changing the name

9- II. World War (1939 – 1945)

II. World war is a war that determines the political map of the world and is one of the most important wars that shape history. During this war, the world’s superpower balance fluctuated. The National Socialist Party (later renamed the Nazi Party) was seen as a hope in Germany, which was under severe conditions and economically collapsing, and Adolf Hitler was brought to power. Adolf Hitler blamed the economic crisis on the Jews in Germany and argued that the Jews were racist, hiring only those in their own community, and excluding that they did not employ Germans. Adolf Hitler, who found the solution to commit the Holocaust, dragged an incredible mass of people after him, and in that economic crisis he both committed the Jewish genocide and brought soldiers to the Rhine by violating the Versailles treaty signed as a result of the First World War. Then he invaded Poland and II. World war started. Nazi Germany began to conquer the place that came to its way. It annexed it to German soil. Until he decided to enter Russia in the winter season. The German army, which was defeated here, returned to Berlin and the Nazi domination in the world came to an end when Soviet Russia entered Berlin in 1945. The world war is over. At the Outcome of the War:

•The USA and Soviet Russia have become the world’s two superpowers.

• The world is divided into 3 parts as the US bloc, the Soviet Russian Bloc and those who did not participate in these blocs, and these blocks started the cold war.

• The colonial period has begun to come to an end due to the heavy erosion of the colonial states.

• Many nations such as India, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, which were colonized, gained their independence by taking the Turkish Liberation Struggle as an example.

10-Turkish War of Independence (1919-1922)

With the Armistice Treaty of Mondros (30 October 1918), which determined the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Anatolia and Thrace were in a position open to all kinds of occupation. Because the armistice provisions of Mondros gave the victorious states the right to occupy everywhere they deemed necessary. Immediately after the treaty, occupations began, the British, French and Italians began to occupy everywhere. Armenians rebelled. The Greeks took action to seize the promised places. In 1919, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk went to Samsun and started to organization. On August 10, 1920, the Ottoman Empire signed the Sevres Treaty, which was the death warrant of the Turks. 23 In April 1920, Turkey Ataturk founded the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Parliament had declared a traitor of all the signatories to the Treaty of Sevres. The resistance of Mustafa Kemal’s civil army was very successful and the occupying forces were expelled from the land. After the Mudanya Treaty, the Lausanne Treaty was signed and the Turkish State was accepted by the whole world. The war of independence later set an example for the exploited states all over the world.

   We discussed the causes and types of war in general. Then, we looked at the battles that are very important for world history. Now let’s get to the devastating effects of war

Results of Wars

  • Preparing For War

   Environmental repercussions of what is done to prepare for war are seen as “the reorganization of the environment for the deployment of army units according to army requirements, the pollution caused by the production of weapons and the direct effect of military exercises by testing weapons.”

   Military bases, especially airports, often require large areas of ecologically valuable land. these places are allocated to military institutions without the views of their local residents.

Meanwhile, areas used in agricultural production, especially forests, are being destroyed, and all natural fauna is destroyed.

   The natural ecosystem is largely destroyed, as real weapons are often used during tank operations, bombing and attack exercises, various drills and trainings to prepare armies for war.

  • Weapon Production

   It is known that the military industry is a very serious source of pollutants. Toxic wastes generated during production; It has a greater impact on public health and the environment than an enemy threat.

   Today, millions of acres of land reserved for the production, storage and testing of chemical, biological, nuclear and traditional weapons are threatened with extinction due to toxic contamination. Millions of tons of obsolete guns and ammunition produced so far are also waiting to be destroyed.

  • Real Destruction at War

   In the twentieth century, the amount of environmental damage caused by the war increased with the number of civilians affected by the war. Industrial facilities are targeted more in order to eliminate the economic competence of the enemy in wars and conflicts. Industrial chemicals released in these attacks affect civilian population and life.

  • 7 Thousand Years Must Pass For The Soil

   Modern weapons used during war can be lethal by their explosives and propellants as well as the toxic chemicals they contain. This effect can affect not only the enemy at the front, but all the people living behind it.

   When a bomb dropped from a heavy bomber explodes, about 3,000 degrees of heat emerges, causing scorching of all the flora and fauna as well as the lower layers of the soil. It takes 100-7400 years for the same soil to become recyclable. Ecological disasters such as these have devastating effects on plant and animal culture in the affected areas.

  • Depletion of Natural Resources

   While eliminating the destruction that occurred in the war consumes resources, negative effects may occur during the provision of natural resources and materials necessary for life.

   Migration movements during the wars are among these effects. Facing the long-term harms of war as well as the fear of death during wars, people migrate to safe areas.

   This creates a strain on the resources of the migrated regions. In many places, the economic and social structure is changing irreversibly.

One Stranger

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Push-ups are essential for home workouts. Make sure you're in good shape to get maximum benefits. Your spine should be straight and in line with your hips that you haven't lowered. You usually need to open your palms a little more than your shoulders, but you can open your arms for better chest work or bring them closer together for better arm work. You should also do incline push-ups for better overall muscle development.