Sleep is an indispensable need for the organism such as food, water and breathing, and it has very important functions. Comfortable and quality sleep is one of the most important factors to be healthy and enjoyable during the day. Considering that an adult sleeps an average of 7-8 times a day, it means that one third of human life is asleep. It is not possible to live without sleep. Therefore, having a sufficient amount of quality sleep is an indispensable requirement for both protecting our health and performing our functions during the day.
Sleep is a period that provides both physical rest and mental functions are renewed. Regular sleep is very important for physical and mental health. Because insomnia problems, disorders in sleep patterns negatively affect human health from immune system, heart health, blood sugar level to brain functions.
The pattern and distribution (rhythm) of sleep during the day is formed by a person’s biological clock. One of the most important factors that guide a person’s biological clock is light. The light perceived by the eyes reaches the relevant center in the brain, which, depending on the amount of light (day-night), sends stimulating or inhibiting messages to the centers that secrete substances and hormones that cause sleepiness or wakefulness (in other words, things that disturb sleep). This means there are periods during the day when people tend to sleep or cannot sleep easily if they want to.
What Is The Ideal Sleep Time?
Sleep time is a personal situation such as fingerprints. Approximately one third of human life is spent sleeping. Although it differs from person to person, it is known that the duration of sleep varies between 4-11 hours. We spend about a third of our life sleeping. Sleep time varies from person to person due to genetic factors.
Generally, 7-8 hours of sleep is sufficient for adults. As in adults, sleep times and hours vary according to the influence of genetic factors in children.
It should not be forgotten that these periods are 4-5 hours on average in some children and 12-14 hours in some children, and parents should first determine the required sleep times for their children. Sleeping and waking times, which can be variable in the later process, should be determined.
Children’s sleep and wake time should be fixed or close if possible. Because the regular sleeping hours of the child will make it easier to fall asleep and prevent problems related to sleep. It should not be forgotten that the ideal sleep time for each child is personal.
Insomnia, that is, insomnia, which adversely affects human health and quality of life during the day due to decreased and / or poor quality insufficient night sleep; It is an important disorder that causes fatigue, fatigue, difficulty in learning, concentration, extreme irritability and some psychological symptoms.
Insomnia is one of the most common problems related to sleep-related problems, especially in developed countries. Studies on insomnia in certain parts of the world indicate an average incidence of insomnia in the society around 35%, revealing that 10-15% of them cover moderate or severe cases. The incidence of insomnia is higher in women. A quality sleep is indispensable for human health. Insomnia can cause various problems in a person’s social and business life. People who have sleep problems feel bad mentally and physically.
Studies conducted in different countries indicate an average prevalence of insomnia in the population of about 35%, regardless of its type, and reveal that 10-15% of them cover moderate or severe cases.
Studies in our country yield similar results, although they are fewer and more limited. Its incidence is higher in women and increases with age. Problems related to sleep can be brought under control with the development of diagnosis and treatment methods and the widespread use of research based on sleep disorders.
It is divided into 3 parts according to the duration of insomnia; If the insomnia complaint does not last longer than a week, it is acute or temporary, if this period is between one week and three months, it is subacute, if the insomnia complaint is more than three months, it is said to be chronic insomnia.
If the duration of insomnia is not longer than a week, it is acute or transient, if it is between one week and three months, it is subacute or short-term, if it is more than three months, it is said to be chronic insomnia.
There are many reasons for the insomnia problem to occur. As the age progresses, an increase in sleepiness and insomnia can be observed. The most common causes of insomnia can be listed as follows:
Affective disorders, depression,
Abuse of alcohol and other substances,
Panic disorders
Binge eating before sleep,
Failure to comply with the appropriate hours for sleep,
Excessive consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee before sleeping,
Using the bed for purposes other than sleep (Writing, watching TV, taking care of mobile phones)
Restless leg syndrome
What Does Sleeplessness Lead To?
Sleep is also among the factors necessary for people to lead a healthy life. The quality of life of people with sleep problems decreases. The mental and physical health of those suffering from chronic insomnia is adversely affected.
The problem of insomnia can lead to:
Lack of attention during the day, feeling tired
Extreme irritability with difficulty concentrating,
Decrease in job performance,
High blood pressure and metabolic disorders
Obesity risk
Weakening the immune system
Does “Sleep Dısorder” Mean İnsomnia?
Among more than 80 sleep diseases that have been identified, the most disturbing complaint about sleep problems, which disturbs the person the most, is insomnia. As a matter of fact, the majority of patients who consult a doctor related to sleep problems complain of insomnia. On the other hand, excessive sleepiness, that is, constant sleepiness during the day, getting tired, can be ignored by many patients and regarded as normal.
In the complaint of insomnia, which constitutes only a small part of dozens of sleep diseases, patients who consult a doctor may ignore more vital or urgent diseases in terms of their consequences. A patient suspected of having a sleep disorder should first be examined by a sleep disorders specialist.
How Does İnsomnia Treatment Work?
In the treatment of insomnia, first of all, a research should be done on the causes of insomnia. Some of the patients suffering from insomnia only benefit significantly from the regulation of their sleep habits. Insomnia patients should be informed about some rules regardless of the reason.
Chronic insomnia can be caused by mistakes made during the day. In addition to these, different ailments such as restless leg syndrome, panic attacks that come at night, sleep abscess can also cause daytime complaints.
According to the type of insomnia, life regulations should be made first, and then drug therapies such as melatonin supplements should be preferred.
Chronic insomnia can be caused by mistakes made during the day, as well as other ailments such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome or panic attacks that come at night. Instead of choosing drugs for a comfortable sleep, it is necessary to determine the main problem that causes insomnia and to plan a treatment accordingly.
Author: Mr. Article
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