What are the most important features that distinguish people who live without any effort, who earn your admiration, who have a kindness in their every move, who are afraid of hurting even an ant from others? As a matter of fact, I should have said what is not what it is. Because it is not possible to explain them with a different concept that distinguishes them from others. There is a need to use more to describe the qualities of these few people in the world, with their thoughtful attitudes, empathy skills, forgiveness and many more.
What are the most important features that distinguish people who live without any effort, who earn your admiration, who have a kindness in their every move, who are afraid of hurting even an ant from others? As a matter of fact, I should have said what is not what it is. Because it is not possible to explain them with a different concept that distinguishes them from others. There is a need to use more to describe the qualities of these few people in the world, with their thoughtful attitudes, empathy skills, forgiveness and many more.

7 Qualities of Polite People

   Now consider one. Someone you truly respect, watch his every move with admiring eyes, and enjoy feeling his presence! Think of someone you respect not for the money they have, not for their status, or for what you have to do, but simply because of your gut. This person could be your manager, your mother, your friend, your lover, or anyone else who is your mentor! Yes, have you thought? Have you decided who is that person who adds color to your life, or whether there is such a person in your life? So what can you say about the characteristics of this person or persons?

   What are the most important features that distinguish people who live without any effort, who earn your admiration, who have a kindness in their every move, who are afraid of hurting even an ant from others? As a matter of fact, I should have said what is not what it is. Because it is not possible to explain them with a different concept that distinguishes them from others. There is a need to use more to describe the qualities of these few people in the world, with their thoughtful attitudes, empathy skills, forgiveness and many more.

   Although we explain it, there will be some points where words will be insufficient, but I think we can express the main characteristics of these people who are kind to people, animals, nature, in short, life itself. In any case, these qualities will be more beneficial for those who lack politeness and are inconsiderate, not for those who have courtesy in their every move. Here are the features that many of us need to learn in order to examine and overcome their shortcomings:

  • They Do Not Refrain from Appreciation!

   Let me start by saying that if, after what I said above, you have a picture of someone you respect, you can understand what I am saying much more easily. Besides, if you already have such a person in your life, you should realize that you are really lucky. Because today there are so many people who lack these qualities! Look; day by day, we get a little more inward. We retreat a little more into our shell, a little more fearful of our own species. We live in anxiety as if it will be damaged somewhere at any moment. But whatever! Because if I distribute it a little more, I might not be able to get back to the topic. What were we saying?

   Yes, yes, the most striking feature of the kind people who are loved and respected by everyone around them is their generosity in appreciation. So, whether they are a manager or a good friend, they do not hesitate to appreciate the other person. Instead of looking jealousy at someone else’s success, they are able to sincerely congratulate him. In short; they know how to praise. They appreciate people not only for their great achievements, but also for their efforts. With these features, they win everyone’s respect.

  • They are Generous with Patience!

   We show impatience in just about everything, right? We want everything we want to be instantly, and we show how much we adopt this quality in our consumption-based lives. Neither in our business life nor in our private life, we cannot be patient, we always drag ourselves into trouble with our hasty approach. I do not know, because we do not get the promotion we want, we decrease our performance, we cannot see the fact that we can reach much better places if we show patience a little more.

   Likewise, in our private lives, because of simple disagreements, we get out of our relationships, and then we try to rise like an oil by saying “neither friendship left nor life-long love”. However, we need to know that many of the problems we are experiencing stem from this hectic attitude. It is imperative that we understand that our lack of patience puts us in situations we don’t always want. Because this quality possessed by kind people is among the indispensable rules for our happiness!

  • They don’t pretend to listen!

   You know, there are people who stand in front of you and pretend to listen to you! Here those who are respected and kind in their every move are definitely not one of them! One of the reasons why they are so respected from their environment is that they are truly good listeners! Because they know how much it can bring to a person to be a good listener. First of all, they are aware that this factor must be provided in order to earn the respect of the other party. Besides, being a good listener is something they do willingly, not because they feel obliged to! So it’s something many of us should do too! Long story short; We must open our ears a little bit, understand that we will not lose anything by listening, and try to hear what life wants to tell us.

  • They don’t judge people by their mistakes, they try to see them!

   Another characteristic of people who arouse admiration around them with their kindness is that they do not judge people with their mistakes! Although the person they are facing is at fault, they should not hit it in his face! Knowing that the past is in the past, instead of blaming it, they use different ways to understand their mistake! Yes, this is one of the striking features of people who have managed to add kindness to their lives! So instead of judging people by their mistakes, they prefer to show their mistakes.

   And thanks to these features, they both win by themselves and give the person they face one of the best approaches they can win in their lives. So what do we do in such situations? We put the other person in the ground, try to teach by embarrassing him, and as a result, we make both ourselves and others unhappy. For this reason, we should get rid of the accusatory approach as soon as possible, and we should not go astray when we have the option to make our lives better.

  • They Use Their Empathic Abilities!

How much do you use your empathy in general, not in your daily life? How much do you measure and determine your state and movements by weighing? Before you take a step, how much do you think about the consequences of that step? Is it “well,” or is it “almost non-existent”? Unfortunately, many of us lack the ability to empathize.

   For this reason, we suffer losses in many areas, especially in our relations, and we suffer for nothing. In general, we act thoughtlessly, speak without thinking about where what we say will go, we do not even think about it, let alone put ourselves in the place of the other person. As a result, we are faced with the same insensitivity, we say how insightful people are, we do not even take into account the possibility that all this may be due to our own mistakes.

  • They Do Not Obey To Their Ego!

   Yes, they also have those known egos that we all have, but people who adopt kindness as a way of life do not bow to their egos. They know how to fight it, even though they see themselves as something more than others from time to time. So what do we do in such situations? We see ourselves in the giant mirror, trust what we have achieved so far, and often forget that we are an ordinary person in this world.

   The world acts as if it revolves around us, we unwittingly harm ourselves by reflecting this approach to both our business and private lives. Sometimes even this ego madness makes us narcissistic. As a matter of fact, this leads us to deep unhappiness and hunger. In short, if we really want to get respect from those around us, we shouldn’t let our egos rule us. We must learn to be humble and stop seeing ourselves above the clouds.

  • They Can Be Happy With The Happiness Of Others!

   This is another characteristic of those kind people we admire that we should learn! So they know how to be happy with the happiness of others. They are not bothered by the smiling faces of people as many of us do, they do not look at the happy lives of others with jealousy. Yeah yeah! They do exactly that. Sir? Would you say Skim would be disturbed by someone else’s happiness? You are probably thinking about this right now, like most people. But unfortunately the facts are not what you think! People are so hungry for happiness that those who enjoy their life are viewed with unpleasant eyes.

   There is a deep hostility towards those who earn more money, who are promoted, who are successful or who have very happy marriages. With or without being aware! Countless people have negative feelings instead of rejoicing in other people’s happiness. In short, we should strive not to be one of them, instead of poisoning ourselves with feelings like jealousy, instead of being happy with the happiness of others.

Author: Mr. Article

All rights of this article belong to www.pophaber.com

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