These negative features sometimes cause conflict with the X and Y generations. Generations X and Y often clash due to the unrealistic behavior of Generation Z. To explain this situation with an example, you can bring to your mind the conflict between two siblings who are 10 years apart or the child belonging to the generation Z who is in a constant conflict with their family.
These negative features sometimes cause conflict with the X and Y generations. Generations X and Y often clash due to the unrealistic behavior of Generation Z. To explain this situation with an example, you can bring to your mind the conflict between two siblings who are 10 years apart or the child belonging to the generation Z who is in a constant conflict with their family.

What is Generation Z?

   Although it is shown in some sources since 1996, Generation Z is known as millennial children. People born in the period from 2000 to the present are included in the Z generation. This generation, born in the lap of technology, is also called the ‘internet generation’. In addition to being extremely optimistic, they are not very ambitious. Generation Z, the first generation of the 21st century, is expected to live longer than other generations due to the advancement of technology.

   Software tricks, computers, smartphones, all these technological devices affect Generation Z socially and scientifically. Individuals develop and become equipped by passing through different education systems. However, its gains do not make people happy, but rather tense them. As a result, unhappy individuals are brought up. Individuals who create a profile for themselves in social media, here define themselves a role and begin to play this role. They take on and defend the ideas required by the role, but when they get involved in real life, their density of ideas disappears and they become unable to produce.

   These negative features sometimes cause conflict with the X and Y generations. Generations X and Y often clash due to the unrealistic behavior of Generation Z. To explain this situation with an example, you can bring to your mind the conflict between two siblings who are 10 years apart or the child belonging to the generation Z who is in a constant conflict with their family.

What are the Features of Generation Z?

   Millennial children have the ability to think fast and analytically. However, their ability to use these abilities is individualistic, they can never come to teamwork. Their self-confidence is high, and their parents look at them differently increases this self-confidence.

   They are very fond of their freedom and independence. There is nothing they themselves cannot achieve. The target of the ‘Impossible is Nothing’ style advertising slogans, which are frequently encountered in television commercials, is precisely the Generation Z.

   It gives importance to individualism rather than socialization. Rules are not binding for them. Many want to make their own way, rather than follow in the footsteps of their families or relatives. The work they do to earn a living is just a time of boredom for them during the day. Effort and devotion are not for Generation Z.

   Because they can access information very quickly thanks to technology, they are used to living fast. For this reason, they can get bored very quickly and give up.

In addition to being successful in establishing relationships with different sociological groups, they are able to seek their rights. They never keep silent against an injustice done to them. Family members are considered to be the generation with the highest rate of psychological depression because they feel inadequate for their children.

   The term socialization has disappeared from the lexicon and is a generation completely devoted to technology.

It can be said that there is no limit to the imagination of the generation Z, which is a generation that is prone to ask questions that cannot be answered, as was the case with the ancient Greek philosophers. Since their multi-tasking skills are quite high, they can be involved in many jobs at the same time. They amaze with intelligence and skill.

   Generation Z, which is constantly rebelling against authority and stands out with its rulelessness, is a generation that insists on its wishes to the end and never throws back on the issues that it is right. In this direction, they are very successful in organizing and participating in actions.

   There is a constant conflict between the X generation and the Z generation. Generation Y generally assume the role of mediator.

   They can directly tell the other party what they think because of the generation without complex. This is the biggest reason for the generation conflict. Since it is the generation most familiar with foreign languages, most of them will soon grow up knowing at least 2 languages.

   Since they are not ambitious and determined, they may face crises in business life in the future.

Since they are tired of routine work, very comfortable in terms of clothing and clothing, and cannot be disciplined, there will be great flexibility and changes in the profession branches over time.

What are the Differences Between Generation Y and Z?

   Internet children, which are predicted to be the largest consumer group in the world by 2020, grow up with different family structures and various ethnic groups. Generation Z’s expectations from higher education, whose largest members have entered the university today, are not just technological facts like Generation Y. Generation Z is defined as a generation that is inclined to direct and applied learning in the social environment. The love they feel for being able to access teaching tools whenever they want reveals that Generation Z does not want to have difficulty in accessing information.

How Generation Z Uses Technology?

In a study, 1 million 600 thousand data shared by children between the ages of 7 and 16 on social platforms were examined. As a result of the research, the platform where internet children spend the most time was Youtube with 97%. Generation Z, which closely follows the daily life of its peers, succeeds in catching the trends of the day, subscribes to channels that produce entertaining content and watches the game videos they love.

   Computer or console games are at the top of the topics that the internet children talk about with 38%. This ratio also confirms how much the Generation Z is affected by the games they play and the characters in the game. Other topics followed by this generation are Vlogs, which include trends and the agenda with 34%, daily lives of their peers with 19%, toys with 6%, and children’s channels with 3%.

How to Manage Generation Z?

   Even though they have not started their business life yet, you can apply the following tips on the Z generation in the light of the data obtained up to today;

   Support their creativity by recognizing autonomy. Do not use it as a task man.

Considering that they grew up in a helicopter family structure, keep in mind that they will be motivated by rewards.

Communicating face to face is actually important for the Z generation. They just don’t like texting. They are looking for people whose voices they can truly hear

They care about manager-assistant relations both at work and at school. Moreover, it is a very open generation to help.

Pros and Cons of Generation Z

   Following the events in the world, being aware of what is going on, following in the footsteps of information, knowing very well what they want, self-confidence and being able to express themselves well are listed as the plus points of Generation Z. Considering that they attach great importance and respect to education and creativity, they can add value to business life and society.

   Generation Z, which has both pros as well as disadvantages, are not very good in bilateral relations because they have an individualistic approach rather than socialization. Being active on social platforms rather than communicating face to face can sometimes lead them to be alone. Because they are not used to teamwork, have no rules, are confident of their wishes and are always defending, they can often get into conflicts and arguments with their family, friends and other people.

What Does Generation Z Contribute to the Future?

   It is extremely important for educators or company managers to develop strategies in this direction so that Generation Z, which can positively affect business life and society if tolerated, can lead to added value. Especially in the business world, the innovative perspective and analytical thinking skills of Generation Z can be developed in parallel with the company policy. This increases both the individual and the company.

Author:Mr. Article

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