Do you know that every word that comes out of our mouth has an impact on the life we live? Yes, every thought has a positive or negative effect. By thinking positive things and making affirmations; You can avoid negativity.
Do you really know how much affirmation can change one’s life, how effective the art of positive thinking is in the flow of life? I guess not! Because there are countless people who do not know what affirmation is, how it is done. And most likely you are one of them.
We all know how much thoughts affect our lives, but this superficial information is of little use to us. That’s why I wanted to talk to you about affirmation. I want you to learn this thinking technique too. We use hundreds of different words every day. And we throw most of them out without even thinking about it. E.g; We say things like “Oh, when did luck smile on me anyway, I knew it would happen like this, as always, I failed again, I failed again”.
Even if it is a joke, every word we use is recorded by the subconscious. Our core beliefs also affect our lives negatively or positively. That’s why; We must take care to ensure that every word that comes out of our mouth is positive. Because this is the first step of affirmation!
Now, if you wish, let me give more detailed information about what is affirmation, how it is done, what are its techniques:
What is Affirmation?
Every word we use is a message to the universe. Because our sentences are the verbal expression of our feelings and thoughts. E.g; Take a look at the people who complain about everything and are always unhappy. You can easily see that those chronically unhappy people always use negative sentences, always focus on the worst, and things to be unhappy about always happen to them.
You will see that those who constantly use sentences such as “I am very unlucky, I have never been lucky, what’s wrong with me” throw the worst dice that can be rolled. Because they gave a message to the universe in this way. In other words; By saying “I am so unlucky” they actually asked the universe to bring them bad luck. They have unwittingly accepted the misfortune and sincerely intended to face the worst.
If you say “I am lucky” instead of saying “I am unlucky”, that positive thought will settle in your subconscious. It will ensure that the universe sees that person as lucky.
In short; Affirmation is creating that positive image in the subconscious mind by believing in the heart that something desired has happened. It is using the affirmation sentence in a low or high voice for a certain period of time.
How to Affirm?
After all we’ve talked about, you’re wondering how to do affirmation, right? Of course, you will. After all; With this method that you will use throughout your life, you can reach anything you want. By pulling a curtain on what has happened so far, you can open a new page in your life. By believing with all your heart that good things will happen, you can make good things surround you.
As a matter of fact, it cannot be said that you need to apply this method to make an affirmation. So there are no clear, stereotyped rules for this job. But of course, there are points to be considered. You will learn about them in the following topics. But I still want to say a few words about affirmation below.
To see the effect of the affirmation you have set, you have to watch your tongue and your heart say the same thing. And you should know which way you are looking and what you want to see there.
- Be Aware of What You Want to See for Affirmation!
E.g; When you say the affirmation “I am happy”, you should not think about how unhappy you are inside. You must believe that you are truly happy by thinking about what you have. You should prevent your thoughts from contradicting your affirmation sentence. You should not try to affirmatively for a few days and expect immediate results.
It takes 21 days for your subconscious mind to accept your affirmations. That’s why; You must maintain an affirmation for 1 month. To be more successful in this regard, you can try to use words related to your affirmation more during the day.
- Learn to Leave the Past Behind You!
Because our subconscious is full of core beliefs formed by our past experiences. It is very difficult to affirm without breaking these core beliefs. In other words, we must learn to leave behind the bad events we have experienced, troubles, relationships that went bad, friends who hit us on our back, unfortunate situations and more.
The issues I mentioned above will prevent us from making use of the affirmation technique. It will prevent us from sending the signals we want to our subconscious. This is why we must learn to forgive. We must sincerely forgive ourselves and those we hold grudges against. We should not make an affirmation before passing this stage. Because making an affirmation when we are full of feelings such as grudge and anger will be no different than a wasteful row.
- Don’t Say “I Want”!
Another point you should pay attention to while affirming is to avoid the phrase “I want”. E.g; Instead of “I want to be happy” you should say “I am happy”. Instead of “I want to be rich”, you should use sentences such as “I have the power to be rich, I believe the universe will bring me abundance”. Because when you say “I want”, your subconscious mind focuses on wanting and you are limited to wanting only.
- Don’t Use Subjunctive and Future Tense in Your Sentences!
You should avoid using the subjunctive and future tense while making an affirmation. Because both inflections contradict the logic of affirmation. E.g; When you say, “If this happens, I will become that”, you are putting what will happen on a condition. Same way; The affirmative sentences that you use using the future tense will also remain in a time before we arrive and most likely will not happen. Because if you say “I will be happier tomorrow” today, you will always wait for tomorrow and postpone your request until later. Instead, you should say “I’m happy”. In other words; You should use the present tense and the present tense in your sentences.
- Change Your Sentences To Your Own!
For example; You want to do the affirmation of being happy. But it is difficult for you to say “I am happy”. Or you can’t say this sentence with faith. To overcome this situation, you can try to soften your sentences a little more. For example; If you find it difficult to believe the affirmation “I am happy”, you can make affirmations such as “I am ready to be happy”. Over time, you will begin to feel the effect of the words you use and finally you will be able to say “I am happy”.
- Be clear!
Yes, you must also learn to be clear if you really want to reap the benefits of the affirmation technique. For example; You shouldn’t use too general affirmations like “I want to live a good life”. Instead, you must decide what you mean by a good life. You should focus on your more specific wishes.
- Use Positive Sentences!
You cannot make an affirmation with sentences such as “I am not afraid, I do not feel bad, I am not unhappy”. Because they send negative signals to their subconscious just like themselves. This is exactly why you should prefer to say “I’m safe” instead of “I’m not afraid”. Even if it means the same thing to you, you should make sure that the sentence is positive.
- You have to say “I’m safe” by believing.
Do you want to be rich? Then you should make affirmations such as “I choose to live in abundance, I believe I can earn as much money as I want”. After all; When you take a look at the following affirmation sentences, you will understand much better what I mean.
Author:Mr. Article
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