All of us, without exception, are afraid of something. There are many reasons for fear such as heights, failure, darkness, loneliness, aging, poverty … You may want to get rid of your fears. You are right in wanting to be like those brave people you admire. So let’s put aside the causes of fear and focus on how you can overcome fear.
Fears Are Not Permanent
By saying, “I’m afraid of this and that”, we cause fears to be with us throughout our lives. In other words; Don’t we just cut off by saying “I can’t because I’m scared”? Yes, unfortunately, many of us make this big mistake with our fears. For example, we have a fear of public speaking. Instead of overcoming this, we live by avoiding public speaking. We believe that we have to live with that fear for the rest of our lives. However, those fears do not have to be permanent in our lives! Here you have to realize this fact first, and you should know that you should not establish them.
Fear is A Disease
I say you have to learn to think of fear as a disease. To put it more clearly; You must understand that your fears have to be treated like an illness. Most of us do not go to the doctor until we reach the last point, we do not see the disturbance signals of our body, this is exactly the situation I am talking about. We ignore our fears like our illnesses, and we don’t care about our situation until we get to the bottom. Here we are doing one of the biggest evils we can do to ourselves. If we become aware of the situation at the very beginning and learn to address our fears, we will not have to let them ruin our lives. In short; The sooner we take action against our fears, the easier we can solve our problem.
Forget the Past and Be Positive
You may have a lot of different fears. Of course, it is possible that your fears have many different reasons. But you should know that most of it comes from your past experiences. For example; a bad relationship you’ve had has laid the groundwork for your fear of trusting people. Or you may not be able to get in front of the crowd because of the reactions you see in public speaking. If you are afraid of something because of your past experiences, you must learn to clear your subconscious. You have to be positive for this. So you should use positive sentences that are the opposite of what you fear. You have to try to convince yourself of what you say.
Protect Your Comfort Zone
Your fear limits your comfort zone. Our fears are equal to our comfort areas that we cannot get out! And we all know that staying in your comfort zone does nothing but force us to stay in the same place all the time. In other words; As a prisoner of our fears, we confine ourselves to invisible boundaries, and we willingly accept to continue our lives like a prisoner. And naturally, we place the words of failure and unhappiness in the middle of our lives.
That’s why we need to do; recognizing our fears, not letting them get in the way of us any further! Because believe me; The biggest obstacle to success is our own fears! We guarantee ourselves “so-called” because of our worries such as “I can’t do it, I never succeed, when I leave him or stay alone, everyone will ridicule me, how do I explain when I get the job in my face, I am not enough, when I resign or if I cannot find a job …” we are stuck in our fields
Your fears cannot scare you after you know what to do. You should recognize your fear and go on it because this life is too short to live with fears.
One Stranger
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