What is the meaning of this phrase being a strong woman? What does the “strong woman” in everyone’s language do to become a strong woman? By standing firm in the face of adversity? Not afraid of loneliness? Or is it by doing a job that everyone appreciates? By standing tall after the relationship ended, or by sacrificing his life to a single person? Really! What are the characteristics that distinguish strong women from others?
As a matter of fact; there are huge or obvious differences between them and the others. Because some women really do justice to the phrase to be strong. Either because they were raised in this way, or because life forces them to grow stronger, they manage to stay intact. Yes, maybe this is the first thing we need to realize about strong women!
Now that we have answered the question of “how to be a strong woman” that many people wonder, let’s come to the distinctive features that distinguish them from others! Because I know many of you want to be strong women. In fact, I realize that some of you want to get stronger when you are already strong enough, when you can already cope well with life. And I’m sure many women among you, even though they are strong, are wronged by themselves. So one way or another, I would say you should check out this list and learn about the remarkable characteristics of strong women.
Here are the remarkable features of strong women:
They Are Not Afraid To Seek Their Rights!
Strong women never hesitate to seek their rights. They don’t make the mistake many other fellows do. They never obey the stereotypes of this male-dominated world. Whether in business or private life, they are not afraid of making their voices and claws in the face of injustice. Okay, sometimes they have problems with these features, but they are usually the winners.
They Do Not Always Complain!
Unlike the fussy women who complain about everything, strong women avoid reproach as much as possible. Because they know they can’t get anything by complaining. They have already memorized that this will only cost them time and energy. Therefore, they try to change the situation they are not satisfied with instead of complaining. And in general they are justified in the change they want to make.
They Do Whatever They Want!
Okay, I might be a little exaggerated when they say everything they want. But I’m sure you understand very well what I mean. E.g; strong women do whatever they want. If necessary, they choose the path they want by opposing their lover, if necessary, their spouse, and if necessary, their family. If they want to go out, go out, if they want to go on vacation, they will, if they want to end their relationship. In short; they are aware of their wishes and try every possible way to make them come true.
They do it because they want to do something
Like what? E.g; they do not give up their dreams because society says that “the female part cannot do this”. Because everyone around them got married and started a home, they would not attempt to marry the first man they came across. They do not attempt to become mothers because they are exposed to phrases such as “You are coming of age, have a child now”. They do not try to continue their unhappy marriage because it is very difficult to get divorced, in other words “to be a widow”. In short; a strong woman does not want to do anything because she has to.
They Have Economic Freedom!
Does it take money to be a strong woman? Yes, it should! Rather; Let me correct that the woman should earn her own money. Because I also know that there are many women who have rich husbands or fathers but who have nothing in the name of power. This is why I say strong women are women with economic freedom. The woman who does not fall under the yoke of another and who can earn a living with her own money is definitely the strong and successful woman!
They Are Not Afraid of Living Alone!
Strong women are not afraid of living alone. Being alone is not a problem for them. Because they know they can well live alone. They are also aware that they can drive nails, change a light bulb, and tighten a tap gasket when necessary. Because they learned long before that to overcome their fears and that weaknesses can well be developed. For this reason, loneliness is never a problem for them. As a result; strong women know that being alone is good and they enjoy the advantages of living alone.
They Don’t Make Decisions Under The Pressure Of Others
What does it take to be a strong woman? It requires being able to make their own decisions freely without being influenced by others. Being able to express their opinions openly without being influenced by someone makes a woman strong. Strong women are certainly very good at this. Because they never allow their decisions to be influenced by others. They don’t step in for something they don’t really want, they don’t act until they’re completely sure. And with this approach, they prove once again how powerful they are.
They Remove People Who Hurt Them From Their Lives
Because they know they have to be smart about the people around them. They are clearly aware of how effective the social environment can be in a person’s life. For this reason, when choosing people in their lives, they pay great attention to how positive or how negative they are. Themselves; They do not feel compelled to tolerate mourners, complainers, pessimists, narcissists, insensitive, melancholic, lazy or the like. When they see that the person around them is harmful to them, they do what is necessary and put an end to their relationship.
They Spare Time For Themselves
A strong woman is also a woman who knows how to devote time to herself. No matter how intense he is, no matter how hard he runs, he somehow manages to devote time to himself. After work, he goes to have his coffee somewhere, take a breather in a park and continue his book where he left off, put aside the work that needs to be done at home and spend the whole evening enjoying the whole evening, having small getaways with his friends once a week, in short, he is definitely a “my time” for him. creates fun. Because they are aware that he must take care of his soul in order to preserve his strength.
They Love Themselves!
They do not get offended by mirrors with absurd thoughts as if they were overweight, their lips were too thin, their eyebrows were not curved enough, their legs were ugly, and they did not have hair like a lion’s mane. Because they are aware of how beautiful they are. They know very well how much light they shine around with their smile, firm stance, self-confidence and success. Like other women, they do not adopt an ugly understanding of beauty, such as botox lips, a weaker body, upturned nose, blond hair and the like.
They Fight Difficulties Like a Warrior!
Strong woman also means warrior woman! So they are very good at resisting adversity. Like other women, they don’t try to take shelter under someone’s shadow in difficult times. They don’t expect someone to pick them up from where they fell. Because they know they have to fight to succeed and feel successful.
Author: Mr. Article
All rights of this article belong to www.pophaber.com
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