
Kitap kategorisinde geçmişten gelen ve klasik değere sahip olan kitaplar yanında yakın dönem içerisinde yayımlanmış basılı eserlerin tanıtımını ve kritiğini yapıyoruz.

Etkili Sunum Teknikleri

İnsanların benzer arzuları ve hayalleri vardır, ancak bu benzerliklerin altında kişiden kişiye değişen farklılıklar vardır. Buna dayanarak, sunumlarınızın bu eşsiz topluluk için neyin önemli olduğunu göstermesi gerektiğini söyleyebiliriz. Aşağıda, sunumlarınıza her zaman eklemeniz gereken birkaç örnek verilmiştir:

İnsanların benzer arzuları ve hayalleri vardır, ancak bu benzerliklerin altında kişiden kişiye değişen farklılıklar vardır. Buna dayanarak, sunumlarınızın bu eşsiz topluluk için neyin önemli olduğunu göstermesi gerektiğini söyleyebiliriz. Aşağıda, sunumlarınıza her zaman eklemeniz gereken birkaç örnek verilmiştir:


Effective Presentation Techniques

People have similar desires and dreams, but under these similarities there are differences that vary from person to person. Based on this, we can say that your presentations should showcase what is important to this unique community. Here are a few examples of things you should always include in your presentations:

People have similar desires and dreams, but under these similarities there are differences that vary from person to person. Based on this, we can say that your presentations should showcase what is important to this unique community. Here are a few examples of things you should always include in your presentations:



Depresif kişiler, normalde yaptıkları aktivitelerden zevk alamadıklarını, giyinme ve yemek yeme gibi günlük ve zorunlu rahatlama için bile kendi içlerinde güç bulamadıklarını ifade ederler. Bazen aile ve akrabalar da kişideki bu değişikliği fark ederler ancak nasıl yardım edeceklerini bilemezler. Depresyon gibi bazı depresyon türlerinde hiçbir tedavi ciddi sorunlara neden olamaz. Tedavi edilmeyen depresyon, alkol ve uyuşturucu bağımlılığı gibi yaşamı tehdit eden durumlara yol açabilir.

Depresif kişiler, normalde yaptıkları aktivitelerden zevk alamadıklarını, giyinme ve yemek yeme gibi günlük ve zorunlu rahatlama için bile kendi içlerinde güç bulamadıklarını ifade ederler. Bazen aile ve akrabalar da kişideki bu değişikliği fark ederler ancak nasıl yardım edeceklerini bilemezler. Depresyon gibi bazı depresyon türlerinde hiçbir tedavi ciddi sorunlara neden olamaz. Tedavi edilmeyen depresyon, alkol ve uyuşturucu bağımlılığı gibi yaşamı tehdit eden durumlara yol açabilir.


How to Get Into the Habit of Reading Books?

The most important mistake that is usually made; trying to read a book just because it's popular! For example, there is a very hopeless, depressive book on the agenda. Everyone is reading that book. If you start reading from these depressive books just because of their popularity, you will get into a hopeless and skeptical mood, and you may feel cold from reading. If you want to get into the habit of reading, you must stop doing this first. You should not choose the book you choose based on popularity. F

The most important mistake that is usually made; trying to read a book just because it's popular! For example, there is a very hopeless, depressive book on the agenda. Everyone is reading that book. If you start reading from these depressive books just because of their popularity, you will get into a hopeless and skeptical mood, and you may feel cold from reading. If you want to get into the habit of reading, you must stop doing this first. You should not choose the book you choose based on popularity. F


Intelligence Development Methods

You must be a good news follower. You can read or listen to the news while having breakfast in the morning or on the way to work. This method will help you to be aware of the world, acquire new information and encourage you to think by interpreting the news yourself. That's why you should follow the news. But while doing this, you should be careful not to be dependent on a single source.

You must be a good news follower. You can read or listen to the news while having breakfast in the morning or on the way to work. This method will help you to be aware of the world, acquire new information and encourage you to think by interpreting the news yourself. That's why you should follow the news. But while doing this, you should be careful not to be dependent on a single source.


Easy Ways to Memorize

First of all, this is what you should pay attention to! Because in order to memorize, you will need a quiet and organized place where you can fully concentrate. For this, you should start by making your working environment suitable for memorization. You should get rid of the distractions around you (phone, computer, television, confusion…) and get to work in a table-chair where you won't sleep.

First of all, this is what you should pay attention to! Because in order to memorize, you will need a quiet and organized place where you can fully concentrate. For this, you should start by making your working environment suitable for memorization. You should get rid of the distractions around you (phone, computer, television, confusion…) and get to work in a table-chair where you won't sleep.


Ways To Concentrate While Studying

You should have the materials you need to work with, such as notes, textbooks, study guides, papers, and colored pencils. Everything you need is with you, you are prevented from leaving the environment and re-entering so you will not be distracted. By the way, you should not forget to take water because you can get thirsty.

You should have the materials you need to work with, such as notes, textbooks, study guides, papers, and colored pencils. Everything you need is with you, you are prevented from leaving the environment and re-entering so you will not be distracted. By the way, you should not forget to take water because you can get thirsty.


Benefits of Reading a Book

Reading books is extremely important for mental health. Concentration on the word and story which is read stimulates the brain. Also, many studies to date have shown that reading makes a person smarter. It is also known that brain activity intensifies, especially as the writing gets harder. Thanks to all this, your intelligence will improve. Reading will also improve your ability to analyze conditions better and to think critically, making you more capable of identifying and solving problems.

Reading books is extremely important for mental health. Concentration on the word and story which is read stimulates the brain. Also, many studies to date have shown that reading makes a person smarter. It is also known that brain activity intensifies, especially as the writing gets harder. Thanks to all this, your intelligence will improve. Reading will also improve your ability to analyze conditions better and to think critically, making you more capable of identifying and solving problems.


Seo Uyumlu İçerik Oluşturma Ve Makale Yazarlığı

Web siteleri için search engine optimization (seo/arama motoru optimizasyonu) uyumlu içerik/makale oluşturma yoluyla sürekli güncellenmesini sağlama; satış siteleri için ürün oluşturma (resim yükleme ve donatı) gibi hizmetleri vermekteyiz. Bu ilana ilgi duyan seo uyumlu makale yazarlarının daha önce yayınlanmamış makalelerini de bedeli ödenmek koşulu ile değerlendirmek istiyoruz...

Web siteleri için search engine optimization (seo/arama motoru optimizasyonu) uyumlu içerik/makale oluşturma yoluyla sürekli güncellenmesini sağlama; satış siteleri için ürün oluşturma (resim yükleme ve donatı) gibi hizmetleri vermekteyiz. Bu ilana ilgi duyan seo uyumlu makale yazarlarının daha önce yayınlanmamış makalelerini de bedeli ödenmek koşulu ile değerlendirmek istiyoruz...
