Many animals in the world are subjected to torture, persecution and abuse for financial gain and entertainment. In many places around the world, animals are persecuted within the scope of tradition. In Spain, bulls are released by burning their horns, dogs are hung on a rope in Bulgaria, whales, dolphins and seals are widely hunted in Japan, small animals are imprisoned in keychains in China, bulls are wrestled in South America, and chickens are beaten to death in the Philippines.
Many animals in the world are subjected to torture, persecution and abuse for financial gain and entertainment. In many places around the world, animals are persecuted within the scope of tradition. In Spain, bulls are released by burning their horns, dogs are hung on a rope in Bulgaria, whales, dolphins and seals are widely hunted in Japan, small animals are imprisoned in keychains in China, bulls are wrestled in South America, and chickens are beaten to death in the Philippines.


Many animals in the world are subjected to torture, persecution and abuse for financial gain and entertainment. In many places around the world, animals are persecuted within the scope of tradition. In Spain, bulls are released by burning their horns, dogs are hung on a rope in Bulgaria, whales, dolphins and seals are widely hunted in Japan, small animals are imprisoned in keychains in China, bulls are wrestled in South America, and chickens are beaten to death in the Philippines.

   On the other hand, animals in many parts of the world are tormented for the sake of making money in circus and show venues. Animals captured in chains are tied to ropes for training purposes, exposed to electricity, beaten with hooked sticks, whipped and detached from their natural life.

What İs Animal Protection Day?           

   Animal Friends were first in England in 1822; They established the Union for the Protection of Animals in order to protect animals, to ensure that humans treat animals well, and that they are fed and protected in better conditions. In our country, the Animal Protection Association was established in 1908. For the same purpose, associations united to form the World Animal Protection Federation in The Hague, capital city of the Netherlands. This organization gathered in Florence in 1931 and declared October 4th Animal Protection Day to draw attention to the animal species under threat of extinction in the world. The purpose of this day; To understand that there are other creatures other than humans in the universe, not to interfere with their living spaces, to respect the right to live. It is to raise awareness about treating pets with compassion, protecting them, feeding them in good conditions and treating them sensitively.

What Are Animal Rights?

   According to the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights declared in Paris UNESCO house on 15 October 1978, animal rights in general are as follows;

1. All animals are born equal to life and have the same right to exist.

2. All animals have the right to be respected. Being an animal species, humans cannot destroy other animals. It cannot exploit them by violating this right, and is responsible for putting their knowledge at the service of animals. All animals have the right to humane care, care and protection.

3. No animal can be mistreated or ruthless or cruel. If an animal has to be killed, it must be done in an instant, without pain or fear.

4. All animals of the wild species have the right to live and breed on land, air and water in their particular natural environment. Any kind of deprivation of liberty, even for educational purposes, is against this right.

5. All animals of a species that traditionally live in the vicinity of humans have the right to live and reproduce in harmony with the living conditions specific to their species and in freedom.

6. All animals that people take with them have the right to live as long as their natural lifespan. Leaving an animal is cruel and despicable behavior.

7. All working animals have the right to restrict the duration and intensity of work and to have a diet and rest that increases their strength.

8. It is against the rights of animals to make experiments that cause physical or psychological pain to animals. This is the case with all kinds of experiments in medical, scientific, commercial and other forms.

9. Although the animal has been raised for nourishment, it should be cared for, sheltered, transported, and its death should be without pain or fear.

10. Animals cannot be used for entertainment of the people. It is against the dignity of animals to watch animals and shows that make use of animals.

11. Killing an animal without obligation is a crime against life.

12. Any behavior that means killing large numbers of wild animals is a genocide, that is, a crime.

13. Animal death should also be respected. Violent scenes in which the animal is killed should be banned in cinema and television.

14. Animal protection and defense rules should be represented at the government level. Animal rights, like human rights, should be protected by law.

Author: Mr. Article

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Tırnaklarınızın altındaki kiri çıkarmak için tırnak makasından tırnak törpüsü kullanarak tırnaklarınızın altını temizleyin. Bunu, tırnaklarınızı net bir şekilde görebilmeniz için yeterli ışıkta banyoda yapın. Genel olarak, ellerini yıkamadan önce tırnaklarının altındaki kiri çıkarmak daha kolaydır. Ne kadar kuru o kadar iyi. Tırnaklarınızı temizlemek için kurşun kalem kullanmaktan kaçının çünkü kurşun tırnaklarınızı daha kirli gösterebilir. Tırnaklarınızın altını temizlemek için ıslak mendil kullanmayı deneyin. Tırnaklarınızın rengini bozan her şeyi nazikçe çıkarmak için mendilinizin kenarını tırnağınızın altına sıkıştırabilirsiniz.