Etiket: The use of antibiotics


A Scottish scientist named Sir Alexander Fleming noticed that bacteria could not survive in the green mold on bread and discovered penicillin, the miracle drug, in 1829. In the future, researchers purify penicillin and enable it to be used in the treatment of bacterial diseases in the 1940s. Today, antibiotics are obtained from living things such as algae, fungi, yeast and mold by chemical or biosynthesis through various microorganisms. In addition to penicillin, teramycin and streptomycin derivative chemicals are all referred to as antibiotic drugs.

A Scottish scientist named Sir Alexander Fleming noticed that bacteria could not survive in the green mold on bread and discovered penicillin, the miracle drug, in 1829. In the future, researchers purify penicillin and enable it to be used in the treatment of bacterial diseases in the 1940s. Today, antibiotics are obtained from living things such as algae, fungi, yeast and mold by chemical or biosynthesis through various microorganisms. In addition to penicillin, teramycin and streptomycin derivative chemicals are all referred to as antibiotic drugs.
