There are people who manage to attract attention in almost every environment and dazzle with their glamor, right? Someone manages to stand out and make them listen to friends, family, business life, education periods, in short, everywhere. Well, do you know how these people who are able to impress everyone and create sympathetic feelings are different from others? Or have you ever thought about this topic before?
Have you ever wondered how someone has become the most remarkable of the environment, the one who succeeds in impressing everyone with his energy? If you haven’t, you probably started doing it right now. Because even if we are not aware of it, we want to be like those who stand out with their distinctive features from time to time.
We want to be one of the irresistible people in the environment, and we expect our words to be heard with interest by everyone. He does not want to be the person in the group who mumbles as if to speak, but whenever we talk, we always face the situation of being interrupted by someone else. Yes, although we can’t admit it to ourselves, many of us want to be one of those people who are good at attracting attention. As a matter of fact, we are quite right to want this. After all, who would want to be one of those dull people who seem to be retreating into their own shell instead of being one of the successful people who shine a light around them in every environment they enter and take on the leadership of the group? Not being noticed, being ignored is not a temptation for anyone. This is why; I wanted to talk to you about people who have managed to stand out in every environment.
Yes, our topic today is about how some of them are more effective than others, how they manage to attract attention from the moment they open their mouths. What could be the most prominent characteristics of these people, who managed to attract the attention of almost everyone in the group and who are always star players in both their private and business lives? How is it that they always manage to stand out? How can they make such a huge impact on others with their speeches? Do they stand out with their beauty? Or by their status? Or are their existence traits that find them worthy of rest? As a matter of fact; none of these. The biggest reason some are more effective is that they are smart about their use of body language. Because these features definitely add a great power to them. If you want to be one of the successful people who can make the desired impact on the person or people you are facing, you need to know what they pay attention to about body language. For this, you should carefully examine the following titles.
- Determine Your Stance and Expression!
If you want to impress the other person with your body language, the first thing you need to pay attention to is your posture and facial expression. Because these two are one of the most important factors that determine whether the other party will listen to you or not. In order to determine your posture correctly, you need to pay attention to certain points. E.g; A hunched or slightly oblique posture causes the other person to think negatively about you. For this reason, you should first try to have an upright posture. You can practice proper posture by going in front of the mirror every day and giving up the wrong posture habits that you have maintained so far.
Moreover, standing upright will make you not only perceived as an impressive personality, but also look taller. For these reasons it is very important to adjust your head, shoulders, stomach and knees at the right angle. You should also pay attention to your facial expressions. E.g; You should not keep your eyebrows frowned, and leave them alone to impress the other side more. Likewise, raising your eyebrows slightly while listening to the other person is among the movements that will show that you are listening carefully. You can make your speech more interesting with such gestures, and you can communicate more successfully thanks to the strong effect you will give to the other party.
- Repeat!
When I say repeat, what I mean is that you act according to the body language of the other person. In other words, assuming a kind of mirror role, repeating the attitudes of the other party with your actions. Of course, what you need to be careful about here is that you don’t miss out on the job. After all, if you repeat every action the other person does; you naturally feel like “is this mocking me?” You should avoid this situation and listen carefully to the other person with vague repetitions. E.g; Does the person with whom you are communicating leans slightly towards you, do the same thing yourself. Did he put his hands on the table? With these mirror-like movements, you will both create a powerful effect on the other side and gain his trust.
- Turn Toward The Person You Are Talking To!
If you want to make a strong impression in front of you then you must definitely turn your direction in the right direction. So how do you do that? First of all, I have to say this. In your bilateral conversations, turning your direction to the other person does not mean sitting directly in front of him. So first you have to understand this. Because many people make mistakes at this point. He thinks that the correct use of body language is to sit face to face or to stand directly opposite, and he does not know that this can be understood as a kind of challenge. This is why you should not make a similar mistake in turning your direction in the opposite direction. You should turn your feet and legs towards that person, but remember to give yourself a slightly oblique angle here. This way, you will not only show that you are interested in him but also look like he is challenging the other side.
- Do Not Forget Hand and Arm Movements!
If you want to create a strong effect on the opposite side with body language, you should also pay attention to your hand and arm movements. You can make your speech much more interesting with the right gestures in front of a crowd or in conversation. E.g; Trying to express yourself by crossing your arms creates a negative effect on the other side. Likewise, bringing your hands closer to your body will make you feel like you are not confident and not knowledgeable about the subject. Instead of gestures like these, you should use gestures that can make the speech more expressive and expressive. E.g; You should pay attention to the fact that your palms are generally facing upwards, you should bring your fingers to the pyramid position according to the seriousness of the interview, and you should show that you care about the matter by bringing your hand to your chin while listening to the opposite side. With these small movements, you can create much more impact on the other side.
- Avoid Being Fidgety!
For a successful use of body language, you should also stay away from fidgeting, which is a complete indication of discomfort. Because the effect this movement will have on the opposite side will only be negative. Such actions, which are considered to be signs of feelings such as worry, anxiety, discomfort, impatience, cause the person to have a negative effect on the other side. This is why, if you have a habit of fidgeting, you should give it up as soon as possible. Because such actions will adversely affect our communication both in your business and private life and will negatively shape people’s perspectives towards you.
- Pause Where Necessary!
Yes, this is one of the methods you can use to influence the other person with your body language! You can be more effective on the other person by pausing where necessary and setting the timing correctly. So what does it mean to set the timing correctly? In which parts of the speech do you need to put a comma in between? I’ll tell you right now. E.g; You may hesitate when faced with a difficult or serious question. Even if you are able to give the answer to the question immediately, you should pause for a few seconds and show that you have given the other party by thinking about your answer. Or you can use the pause tactic to draw more attention to what you have to say. This way, you can keep people focused on what you have to say and create a sense of wonder on the other side. When you use these breaks wisely to increase the mystery, attract people’s attention or explain the importance you attach to the subject, it will be much easier to create the effect you want on the other side.
- Touch Your Arm or Shoulder!
Yes, you can influence the other person more with small contacts. You should know that this method, which will work for you especially in conversations, will be really effective. As a matter of fact, many studies prove that small touches have an effective role in making communication stronger. Because when you touch someone, you ensure that oxytocin and cortisol hormones are secreted on the opposite side. These hormones also contribute to the formation of trust by reducing stress. That’s why; You should not hesitate to contact the appropriate people appropriately. E.g; You can lightly touch the arm or shoulder of the person you are talking to, and you can increase the effect you have on him with this small movement.
- Do Not Forget To Make Eye Contact!
We know how important eye contact is when it comes to nonverbal communication, right? After all; Anyone who knows how to communicate correctly knows the importance of making eye contact. If you want to have a stronger impact on the other party with your use of body language, you should definitely not ignore this important factor of communication. You can even use your smile at the same time to make eye contact more effective, and you can have a perfect effect on the other party with your words. Of course, at this point, you should also know that you should avoid constantly looking at the other person’s eyes. Because in this way, you cannot create the effect you want, on the contrary, you will create effects such as challenging the other party, thinking negatively about them. In short, you shouldn’t let your eye contact cause discomfort on the opposite side. For this, you should not miss the job.
- Laugh Not Only With Your Lips, But With Your Eyes!
One of the most powerful body language weapons you can use to become a more loved, attention and rested person is your smile. Because with a sincere smile, you can make a much more impact on the other person than you think. It is critical that you approach the other side with a smile, especially when it comes to first impressions. For this reason, you should not forget to smile while reaching out to people you have just met and at the same time try to make it sincere. Smiles that increase the success rate, reduce stress and give positive energy not only to the person but also to others, are effective for many other reasons such as these. Well, how much do you use your smile to influence the other person? Is he just smiling, or do you know that when you laugh, your eyes also laugh?
Because smiling not only with your lips but also with your eyes plays a critical role in influencing people. If you are wondering whether your smiles are sincere enough, look in a mirror and smile to yourself. What do you look like? Is it sincere enough? Or is it uncomfortably artificial? If you want your smiles to make an impact on the other side, then you should practice often in front of the mirror. You will see, as you relax, you will start to laugh more sincerely and you will understand the success secrets of those bright-eyed people.
Author: Mr. Article
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